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Guardian Tales // Dalgona Tiramisu

There's two strange things about todays post, it's about two things I normaly don't like all that much: coffee and a freemium mobile game. However, Guardian Tales just deserves the attention and I got to admit, that I love the tiramusu variant I came up with for this game.

At first glance, Guardian Tales looks like the most classic smartphone game there is and that's not a compliment. As much as I appreciate the exceptions like Monument Valley or Evergarden, most of the time free2play and mobile means interchangable, microtransactions and cluttered, colorful visuals.

Guardian Tales suffers from some of those things, but it's far from interchangable. No other mobile game ever managed to captivate me so much. It's full of humour, charme, diverse mechanics and easter eggs galore.

Coffee is the most important currency, in other games known as energy, the stuff that allows you to keep going and it's thankfully given out quite generously. Same story when it comes to the playable characters. Yes, there is a gatcha system, but again it's quite generous and you generally have for more characters than you could ever use...although I could see this game adding a level, where you play a party of all your characters instead of the usual four.

So, got the potentialy annoying stuff out of the way, now the fun can begin and there's a lot of it. The fighting system isn't turn based,but real time hit,smash,kick, slice and shoot. At its core the combat is simple, which makes it so satisfying when you combine the right heroes in your party and you smack the enemies with all kinds of elemental combos.

I play multiple teams and all of them feel different. Variety is important to me and thankfully Guardian Tales has a lot of that. Super-Saiyans, the rivalry between mages and muggles, a desperate Link looking for the master sword, which was just destroyed by a crazy blacksmith...but hey, a giant laser canon isn't the worst substitute, is it? And there's ghost dates, races, concerts, big mech-suits and so much more. There should truely be something for everyone.

You'll need a lot of energy to get through all of that, so here comes the coffee. Usually I'd say that stuff is too bitter, but I'd never leave you with a recipe I don't enjoy. So, ever heard of Dalgona? It's a type of stable coffee foam made out of sugar, hot water and instant coffee and surprisingly delicious.


250g Mascarpone

100g Amarettini

10g Zucker

10g Instant-Kaffee

10ml Heißes Wasser

1 Ei

  • Trennt das Ei in Eigelb und Eiweiß in zwei Schüsseln

  • Schnappt euch ein Handrührgerät mit Quirlaufsatz oder einen Schneebesen und schlagt das Eiweiß bis es einen stabilen Stand hat.

  • Schlagt das Eigelb bis es heller und schaumig ist.

  • Vermischt die Mascarpone und das Eigelb miteinander, aber rührt nicht zu wild, sonst wird alles flüssig

  • Hebt vorsichtig den Eischnee unter die Mischung, so dass ihr nicht euer mühsam erarbeitetes Volumen verliert

  • Gebt den Zucker, das heiße Wasser und den Instant-Kaffee in eine Schüssel

  • Vermischt alles sofort mit dem armschonenden Rührgerät oder dem armtrainierenden Schneebesen bis der stabile Dalgona-Schaum entsteht

  • Füllt jeweils 10g der Amarettini in breite Gläser und bedeckt sie mit zwei Esslöffel der Mascarpone-Mischung

  • Gebt einen Esslöffel Dalgona in jedes Glas und verteilt erneut jeweils 10g Amarettini

  • Löffelt die übrige Mascarpone-Mischung in die Gläser

  • Füllt die übrigen Amarettini in einen Gefrierbeutel und knetet sie durch bis nur noch Krümel übrig sind, die ihr dann auch auf die Gläser verteilt.

  • Stellt die Tiramisu für mindestens 2-3h oder am besten über Nacht in den Kühlschrank

  • Guten Hunger!

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