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Halloween in AC: New Horizons // Pumpkin Soup

The trees are turning orange and leaves are covering every last bit of greenery. Mushrooms are spawning everywhere and the air smells slightly...spicy? It's autumn! And not only in the real world, also on the many islands Animal Crossing: New Horizons players call their second home. Where there's autumn, there's also Halloween. For various reasons the spooky fun and its accompanying trick or treat tradition are put on ice in this "lovely" year, but the inhabitants of your islands are very much looking forward to showering you with candy and lollipops. While it might be tempting to eat all of those yourself, try to keep some for Jack the Czar of Halloween, who comes to visit on october 31st. Said pumkin head will give you all kinds of rewards in exchange for those sweets. So, leave the candy for later and fill your belly with some pumpkin soup instead. Maybe don't mention it to Jack though...not sure what a pumpkin headed guy thinks about pumpkin soup with roasted pumkin seeds.


300g pumpkin

75g leek 75g celeriac

400ml cream 300 ml broth 25g pumpkin seeds 100g bacon bits 100g bacon chilli flakes


paprika powder



  • depending on the type of pumpkin you’re using, peel it, hollow it out and cube it

  • peel the celeriac and cut it into pieces

  • clean the leak and cut it into slices

  • put the bacon bits into a pot, render the fat, take the bits out and set aside for later

  • add the vegetables into a pot and roast in the bacon fat for a couple minutes

  • pour the cream and broth into the pot, it should cover all the vegetables

  • spice with chilli, paprika, nutmeg, salt and pepper

  • put a lid on and let it cook till the vegetables are soft

  • add half the bacon bits and mix everything with a blender (hand or stand)

  • add the other half of the bacon bits and flavour the soup to your liking

  • let simmer on low heat while you prepare the rest

  • roast the pumpkin seeds in a pan, then set them aside

  • fry the bacon in the pan till the strips are crispy

  • pour the soup into bowls or deep dishes

  • garnish with pumpkin seeds and bacon strips

  • Guten Hunger!

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